Tuesday 24 July 2007

The little things...

I just want to say how great God is and how good he is to me. Some people may laugh at my little examples of Gods greatest - but I dont care. It is often said (i think) that the little things in life matter and helping people in the little things show that you care. Let me give you some examples of how God has helped me over the last couple of days: - 1) I went shopping last night and I love baked potatoes. Normally on a Monday evening there isnt any left, so I said a very quick prayer that there would be some and also some nice veg to go with them - and guess what there was not only spuds but the veg as well. 2) I have a very bad habit of leaving my car in a pay zone and not paying enough for the parking. Each evening as i leave work I promise a mass for the holy souls that my car isnt clamped. Since i have started this practice i havent been clamped. Please note that i have turned a new leaf and am leaving the car at home. Today the clampers were around - my car was at home. 3) This morning after mass I drove to the road i usual park on in order to get the Luas to work. Normally at 8.00 the spaces are a relatively long walk away - ie 5ish mins as opposed to 2 mins (and uphill in the evenings). I said a little prayer that i would get parking close and i did.
These a very small examples of the glory of God - how good He is me. I love it when i recognise his gentle touch in my day as then I know that He is watching me and looking after me. I am looking forward to meeting Him face to face ( after many years of purifying) in order to express my gratitude for His kindness. I feel so sorry for all the poor people who dont know Him.


Mungo - i just want to say that you are the greatest. I cant wait for your next book and maybe i will have the great honour of meeting you face to face. I love you MungsXXXXX

Tuesday 10 July 2007

Get well soon VT.

I am a bit embarrassed about my Friday post - i have to spend more time planning my posts. Watch this space!!!!!

Friday 6 July 2007


I have had a very brief unplanned plan from the thoughts - but now i am back for today anyway. I have suffering from a Friday afternoon slump - my thoughts are drifting towards the weekend - sleep, food, play and sleep. I cant seem to concentrate on my employment - and worse of all my post. Why are Friday afternoons so much quieter than all other parts of the week (i am not complaining). Why cant Friday afternoons go faster and why does the weekend go so fast? When I meet my guardian Angel i am going to ask him all these questions.

Tuesday 3 July 2007


Every since i have come back from my adventure i feel like i am in a world of no time - no time to iron, no time to get my work done, no time to chill, no time to watch tv, no time to play with a cute little puppy, no time to read my ever growing mountain of unread books. If i had a magic wand - what would i do???? There are so many things i would like to do .... (Thank God i dont have a magic wand because i would probably misuse it.) Time can be strange - it is always now , yet people think about the past and the future - yet there is no such thing. I always think time travelling in movies is soo annoying - its not possible and they always mess up the time paradox. I know there is no time in Heaven - yet i cannot imagine what that is like. The same way i cannot understand how the universe is finite - i dont understand.. dont understand... cannot compute... cannot...... canno.......

Monday 2 July 2007

Mungos competition

I cant wait to find out who is going to win Mungos competition. What a prize!!! Mungo is so great!!! I hope everyone is entering.