Tuesday 30 October 2007


Hello my fans - I am sorry that i have been so bad at posting lately - unfortunately a terrible terrible thing has got in my way - work!!!

Anyway some very exciting news - tomorrow week, myself and my best friendie are off to New Zealand for a whole month of adventures. We have a whole list of places to see and things to do. I wonder will i meet any other monsters!!!

We are going to set up a special blog - the link will be mailed to everyone (in the world) .

Once we get over the jet lag we will be posting every day.

Looking forward to it lots!!!!!

Wednesday 3 October 2007

I am sad

I am very sad to say goodbye to Humphries. Unfortunately he has to go back to his nasty owner. Humphries you are brilliant, i love you dearly. If it was in my power i would resue you and make sure you have a very happy life. Thanks for the lovely lessons. XXXX

Monday 1 October 2007

Raggedy Anne

Here is a picture of Raggedy Anne. She is over 20 years old and has been wonderful to me ever since she came into my life.

I hope you like her.