Tuesday 3 July 2007


Every since i have come back from my adventure i feel like i am in a world of no time - no time to iron, no time to get my work done, no time to chill, no time to watch tv, no time to play with a cute little puppy, no time to read my ever growing mountain of unread books. If i had a magic wand - what would i do???? There are so many things i would like to do .... (Thank God i dont have a magic wand because i would probably misuse it.) Time can be strange - it is always now , yet people think about the past and the future - yet there is no such thing. I always think time travelling in movies is soo annoying - its not possible and they always mess up the time paradox. I know there is no time in Heaven - yet i cannot imagine what that is like. The same way i cannot understand how the universe is finite - i dont understand.. dont understand... cannot compute... cannot...... canno.......


Inkpot said...

I know exactly what you mean, Monster. Time is a strange creature. Old Einstein did say it was relative, and I believe it is (though which one I'm not sure - aunt, uncle, neice...). Apparently time travells quicker the nearer you are to the centre of the earth, so you are better off living on a mountain if you want to get more of it. I like the idea of having a stop watch which controls time - just as long as the work/sleep you do while time is stopped isn't made null and void when time starts again. I believe Harvey (and perhaps all Pookas) can control time. I'd rather hang out with the Doctor in the TARDIS though. Now, that would be cool! I here he is looking for a new companion too. Maybe he'll swing by Blackrock.

Inkpot said...

I apologise for the many spelling errors in the above post. I am very tired. Sorr.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be better if you stayed away from the Doctor and his time-travelling adventures and got writing!

There are many of us waiting anxiously on TTMF - much more exciting! (Then you can go off in the tardis afterwards!)

Inkpot said...

If I had the TARDIS I could go off and write my books on the moons of Orion and then bring them back YESTERDAY and give them to people to read! That is the beauty of a time travel device.