Wednesday 13 June 2007

Tom Crean

I went to a one man show last night in the Olympiad - the show was on Tom Crean, the Irish explorer who went three times to the Antartic in the early 20th Century. The one man was excellent - not only did he act in the show but he also wrote it. The best thing about it was the topic - it was fasinating - we heard about the three explorations - about how these men suffered and how the lucky few survived. The men were so brave - i would love to know what drove them to go on this dangerous adventure and what kept them alive in the fierce conditions.


Anonymous said...

I don't like the cold - I don't think life in the freezer is for me!

The Monster said...

Is that Tramp?

Inkpot said...

I heard about that show and that it was very good. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wondered too why, having survived one terrible expedition and seen your team mates die, he would go back again and again. I suppose the thrill of being places no one has ever been before is stronger than a fear of death.